4.2/5 (532 Google reviews)
The only museum designed by the great architect Victor Horta, the Museum of Fine Arts in Tournai will soon enter a major renovation and extension phase.

The building is an interesting example of the transition between Art Nouveau and Art Deco inspired modernism, and is undoubtedly one of the very first prototypes of a modern museum on an international scale.

With works by renowned artists such as Ensor, Fantin-Latour, Manet, Monet, Seurat, Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec and Van der Weyden, its collection is recognised as one of the most important in Belgium.

Pending the start of construction in 2024, and based on the rediscovery of artists, masterpieces or broader themes, the curators have initiated a cycle of exhibitions since 2020 aimed at offering rotating displays and new views on this important heritage.

À Tournai, le musée des Beaux-Arts vous invite à découvrir Rémy Hans. Les bleus du temps, un regard incisif et poétique sur l’œuvre d’Horta.

Une oeuvre hommage à Victor Horta

Lauréat du Prix du Hainaut 2020, Rémy Hans offre une vaste installation in situ dans l’atrium des Beaux-Arts de Tournai qui pose un regard inédit sur l'oeuvre de son architecte, Victor Horta.

Les esquisses du jeune artiste hennuyer, aux traits bleus évanescents, rappellent les cyanotypes ou bleus d’architectes.

Une rencontre artistique qui clôt un chapitre important de l’histoire du musée tournaisien.